Welcome to NERVES! We are confident that you will find our Society valuable both for you and your practice. Our mission is to help you build the strongest neurosurgery practice possible. Whether your practice is large or small, you can benefit from the ideas, benchmarks, and pooled data that only the NERVES network can provide.
Member Benefits
- Advice and solutions from your fellow administrators on neurosurgery-specific practice issues via the members-only E-list*.
- The NERVES Toolbox that can be accessed from the members-only portal. The Toolbox includes documents, policies, and articles that cover topics such as cell phone usage, insurance, ICD-10, patient forms, medication policies, and staff policies.
- Articles, member profiles, and other resources through our electronic newsletter.
- Additional resources and networking opportunities on the private Members Only portal of the website.
- An opportunity to contribute to the most comprehensive benchmarking report for neurosurgery practices by completing the Socio-Economic Survey; participating practices receive a free copy.
- Continuing education and networking opportunities at the NERVES Annual Meeting; members receive special pricing.
- Opportunities to serve on NERVES committees.
To become a member, you must meet the eligibility requirements and provide a letter of support from a neurosurgeon who is a member of the AANS or CNS. Membership dues are $295 per calendar year (January 1 to December 31). Please complete the New Member Application.

RosmanSearch Special Promotion
RosmanSearch will pay your NERVES membership first year dues - a $295 value. NERVES membership is on a calendar year (January 1 to December 31). To join, complete our online form at nervesadmin.com and use the promotional discount code THANKSROSMAN.
Renew Your Membership
If you were a member of NERVES last year and would like to renew your membership, please complete the Renewal Form.
If you have previously been a member, but let your NERVES membership lapse more than 2 years, please reapply via the New Member Application — and welcome back!
*NERVES guidelines for information sharing across multiple platforms, including the members-only E-list.