The Official Newsletter of the Neurosurgery Executives' Resource Value & Education Society July 2020

Hello Everyone!

I hope everyone’s summer is starting out well. Considering the craziness of the past few months, I think we could all use some warm summer weather and I hope you’ll be able to get some time away from the office to rest and relax.

I wanted to provide a brief summary of the activity in support of NERVES during the 2019 – 2020 year. Our year was turning out to be a very good one with the expectation of a superb annual meeting, prepared by John Lewis and Steve Napolitan with support by Melissa Klingberg and the rest of the annual meeting committee. Disappointingly, due to COVID-19, we were forced to cancel the meeting.

According to our by-laws we are required to hold a business meeting each year and we accomplish this in conjunction with the annual meeting. Since the cancellation, we elected to hold our first ever virtual business meeting via Zoom. Held on April 24, we successfully voted in the new, 2020-2021 Board of Directors, reviewed our approved bylaws changes, and heard from our various committees. Many thanks to those who joined us and if you were unable, below, I have summarized the high points of my President’s Report.

In July 2019, we held a successful summer board meeting where the highlight was the creation our first mission, vision and values statements for the organization. We also reorganized the organization’s committee structure with 7 standing committees and one ad-hoc committee. This included the new Education Committee which will focus on providing virtual learning opportunity for our members. We also added several new members to these committees and thank them for their volunteerism.

December 2019, NERVES launched the new and improved website that provides enhanced resources for our members. Please take some time to take a look at it. A big thanks to Mike Radomski, Mary Cloninger and the rest of the committee members for their efforts in this upgrade.

The by-laws received some attention this past year and were passed by the board in late 2019. Thank you to Donna Bailer for your assistance with this challenging review!

Finally, our new officers were elected as follows:

President: John Lewis
President Elect: Steve Napolitan
Treasurer: John Moeller
Secretary: Donna Bailer
NE regional Director: Tariq Qureshi
SW Regional Director: Rebecca Turner

Many thanks to the 2019-2020 Board of Directors and committee chairs. You make our organization great, and we could not do it without you all.

Please take a moment to read through the Business Meeting Recap for the full meeting recap, including important committee reports.

Thank you for being a member of our important organization and I hope to see you next year in Vancouver.

James B. Shea
Immediate Past President

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