Letter from the President
By: John Lewis, NERVES President
Dear NERVES members:
My hope is that everyone is doing well and beginning to slowly emerge from the events of the last few months! Never have I imagined a period in my life and career like the one we just experienced, and, like many of you, I've never worked so many hours and under such frustrating circumstances. Yet, as I reflect on the last few months, it is clear that there have been some positive things to emerge from all of this chaos.
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Letter from the Past President
By: Jim B. Shea, NERVES Past President
Hello Everyone!
I hope everyone's summer is starting out well. Considering the craziness of the past few months, I think we could all use some warm summer weather and I hope you'll be able to get some time away from the office to rest and relax.
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2020 NERVES Annual Business Meeting Recap
It was the first time in our organization's history there was a cause for cancellation of the Annual Meeting. There was business to be dealt with however, and the leadership called an official Business Meeting for the membership via Zoom to update the membership and to vote in our new Board of Directors. In case you missed it, we are thrilled to provide you a recap.
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Save the Date for the NERVES 2021 Annual Meeting!

2020 NERVES Education Committee Update
By: Kathy Tobin, Education Liason
The Education Committee is responsible for creating educational opportunities for Society members throughout the year. The NERVES Education Committee is working to bring valuable education to our members in the absence of this year's Annual Meeting. In mid-April we sent out a survey to members to find out what you felt would be most helpful to you and your practice and how often you wanted the webinars. Based on that survey, please see below for the webinars we plan to provide you in the coming months. In order to ensure timely and help information, we have "HOT TOPICS." This will be whatever topic is being most frequently discussed on the list service for the prior month(s).
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2020 NERVES Socio-Economic Survey Update
By: Derek Cantrell, Education Liason
The Nerves Survey Committee is happy to announce that you can expect to receive the 2020 Nerves Survey Questionnaire the week of June 15th. The 2020 survey questionnaire will be relatively unchanged from the previous year's questionnaire. With the amount of change happening in everyone's practices, the committee agreed that a familiar document for your use would be optimal this year. That doesn't mean the survey document will stay the same! We are always discussing taking the data we currently receive and publishing it in ways that are helpful to our members.
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Welcome New NERVES Members!
Welcome to NERVES! We are the Regional Directors representing the North/Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, Southwest Regions and would like to personally welcome you to our great professional organization. We are excited you have you joined and look forward to getting to know you.
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Get Published - Calling all NERVES Members!
We're looking for articles on COVID-19, experiences, or new white papers!
NERVES members - the Editorial Committee would like to help you get published! Now seeking submissions for publications to enhance the general neurosurgical practice management literature. It is important for NERVES to share our Members' expertise through publications in journals such as AANS Neurosurgeon, CNS Congress Quarterly, Neurosurgery Market Watch, Spine, and others. Short articles (600 words) are welcome as well as those that are more in-depth. If you have COVID-19 specific articles would also be welcomed. Show us what you've already written or let us guide you on something new. Contact Donna Bailer, for more information or to submit your article.
NERVES List Serve Reminders!
NERVES' list serve continues to provide great value to our membership. Here are a few reminders for using this resource!